As introduction to the topic of UNIT 2 - «TOWARDS TOLERANCE AND EQUALITY» we watched the film «I AM SAM».
- Did you like it?
- What did you feel when watching it? What was the scene that impressed you the most?
- If you were the judge, would you give Lucy for Sam to raise? Why/Why not?
- What´s your attitude towards mentally disabled people? Would you be able to work with them?

Answer these questions in a text of 100-150 words.

7 comentários:

Glib 13 de dezembro de 2009 às 14:18  

I’m Sam

I loved this film because it really touches us and makes us think about people like Sam, people totally despised by society in general. Seeing this film made me think about these people and I feel sad about them because, as we saw in the film, Sam had much love to give to Lucy, but as he was “different” the judge didn’t trust him to raise his daughter.
My favourite part of the film was when the lawyer, an unhappy and emotionally frustrated woman (though famous and envied professionally), realized how sensitive Sam was and started to care for him. They became closer and Sam gave her support and even some advice.
If I were the judge I would give Lucy for Sam to raise because he is the only one that fills her, that makes her really happy. He loves her so much! I think that, in this case, although Sam is “different” he knows how to make Lucy a happy person and a good child.
I don’t despise mentally disabled people because they are people like us, they are human, they have feelings and they have the right to live happily like us. I think I would be able to work with someone like Sam, because they are so good people that we feel good working with them.

Ana Sofia Dias

Glib 14 de dezembro de 2009 às 17:53  

About "I am Sam"

Yes, I really liked “I am Sam”. I think its story touched everyone.
My feelings were varied. In some parts of the movie I wanted to laugh, in others I would have easily cried. The scene which impressed me the most was the one when Sam was told that his daughter would be taken from him. It was really sad to see him in that situation, especially knowing how much he loved her.
Yes, if I were the judge I would let Lucy to be raised by Sam though I would require some assistance and support. I would want some regular evaluations about Lucy’s development and Sam’s working life. Taking Lucy from Sam at this point of her life would be worse for both of them, because she could grow up revolted and never be the same and he would suffer forever and never stop trying to have Lucy back.
I act with disabled people as I act with all the others. We already had a disabled girl in our class and we all liked her. Sometimes it was difficult to work with her, for us and for the teachers too. I remember once when I went to a school of disabled people, most of them with Down Syndrome, and they were all sentimental and very tender and caring with the others, they were really nice to us. So, yes, I would be able to work with them, although that could be a bit difficult sometimes.

Mariana Neves

Glib 14 de dezembro de 2009 às 18:40  

Yes, I liked this film very much. I thought it was spectacular.
During the film I had two feelings: one of sadness, because we all live in a “dirty” planet that closes the eyes to these problems that happen every day; the other of joy because I felt the strength of love between a daughter and a father. It is wonderful to see the strength of a family with so many problems. In general I liked all parts of the film, but I liked especially the scene when Sam went with Lucy and his four friends to buy her a pair of shoes and Sam did not have enough money the pair she wanted. All his friends helped him to buy the shoes with the little money they had but that wasn’t enough. The employer was so impressed with the situation that he also helped Sam (even knowing that there was still some money missing he said something like “If God exists this is enough”).
Now if were the judge, I would give Lucy for Sam to raise, but with the condition of having daily help of an institution that should verify if both were well, helping Lucy to study and Sam to clean the house and to cook, etc.
The attitude that I have towards mentally disabled people is the same I have with “normal” people as they are people like us, with the same rights. Although we have more skills, they have other “things” that we do not have. The example of the film is spectacular, because they compare Sam to Rita, his lawyer, and we get to know that he taught her a lesson of love, too. For me it would be an honor to work with them.

Sérgio Vallejo

Glib 14 de dezembro de 2009 às 19:17  

I am Sam

I think this movie reflects our reality. I liked to see it because it shows a mentally disabled father who is worried about losing his daughter due to his mental handicap. But like all other parents he is human, so he has feelings too. When I was watching the movie I felt a bit sad, but at the same time glad to know that Lucy was able to deal with her father and that she felt loved by him. She liked him the way he was because he was her dear father.
The scene that impressed me the most was when Lucy, already living with a “host-family”, was constantly going out in the middle of the night to go to her father's house (he lived nearby) because she missed him. If I were the judge, definitely, I would leave Lucy with Sam but I would give him some support from the Association. In my opinion, it was the best way for Lucy to have a better life.
I think mentally disabled people have feelings and if they are different, people should not ignore them or treat them differently. I really care about these problems but honestly, I don’t know if I would be able to deal with them because I’m not patient enough and then I would be afraid to hurt them emotionally.

Guilherme Frias

Glib 15 de dezembro de 2009 às 18:17  
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Glib 15 de dezembro de 2009 às 21:10  

I think that it was a very good film, with very good actors, but, alongside the actors what I really liked was the story of the film. I think it is a very powerful story and a lesson about love. In the film we can see how the love of one man can change everything. The feeling that I had when watching this film was one of pity, and the scene that touched me more was when the father loses the custody of his daughter in court and the lawyer, knowing that Sam was mentally disabled, makes him cry and feel helpless.
This takes me to another topic. If I were the judge, I would give Lucy to another family, maybe until I was sure that Sam was the perfect father for her, because taking the decision we saw on the film is easy but being in the judge’s place it’s hard, I think.
I, in general, have a lot of respect for all kind of people, something I was taught to do since an early age. As far as mentally disabled people are concerned, I think that they deserve all our support and respect, because they fight for living every day. If I had the chance to meet and work with someone like Sam I would certainly try to make him happy and help him in everything I could.

Pedro Cunha

Glib 4 de janeiro de 2010 às 23:37  

I really loved the movie and now it is one of my favourite movies.
I think this movie is a good representation of these persons' life but despite everything, the sadness and the troubles, in real life these people with mental problems have much more difficulties.
This subject is already talked and known by so many people and nowadays I think we're started, very slowly, to change our minds about this. But there are so many people that descriminate them! "Normal people" when they build or do something new don't think about them, their limitations. We, "normal people", make fun of them but in reality they are so much better than us. They see life in a different way.. they are so innocent, so transparent.. we should learn with them.
When I was watching this movie I felt a little bit angry because some situations are so unfair for Sam and his daugther! It's impressive how real this is.. because this can happen in real life!
One of my favourite scenes is when Lucy, his daughter, hugged him.. such a strong, and pure hug, with so much love between them.
If I were the judge, I would give Lucy for Sam to raise because they really love each other and a child should never be separated from her father/mother. Of course that Sam can't teach her some things related with school but he can teach her the most important things about life and creat a great personality. Lucy should have some support of teachers, institutions and of all Sam's friends.
I really like this type of people because they can see what we can't, we can learn so much with them. Of course it's necessary to be patient but I think it is amazing how great they can be, and bacause of that I would be able to work with them.

Mariana Rojão

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This blog is the beggining of a dream at the end of a path.

11º A - 09.10:

- Ana Sofia Dias

- Guilherme Frias

- Ivo Rocha

- Mariana Ambrósio

- Mariana Neves

- Mariana Rojão

- Marina Garcia

- Marta Inês

- Pedro Cunha

- Sérgio Vallejo

Elisabete Sampaio (teacher)