Interesting Videos On Environment

Comment on your favourite video...

Video I

Video II

Video III

Video IV*


Video V

Video VI

9 comentários:

Glib 7 de junho de 2010 às 20:10  

My favorite video is the first one because it shows us the result of our acts.
The landscape starts to be beautiful, peaceful, quiet and full of live and then appears a man who changes everything.
The man dumped garbage in the river and polluted it.
The consequences of that act are terrible, like the video show us.
It shows that we are the most prejudiced if we polluted the nature because the nature turns against us like we saw.
We must have more consideration by the nature because we depend on it to live.
Save the nature, save lives!

Marina Garcia

Glib 7 de junho de 2010 às 20:14  

My favourite video was Video III because in this video we can see that a simple human gesture can totally change the world.
Man thinks that he can do whatever he wants without think about the consequences that his acts have in the planet and in life in general.
As we can see in the movie, the simple gesture of the man cutting the tree is devastating to the planet Earth. The entire life existing disappear, everything is destroyed and even the man who causes all this destruction is “caught” by the catastrophe that himself caused by cutting the tree,
This video shows us that our actions have a global impact because every change that we provoke in the nature will influence the normal course of life and harm everyone, not only the animal species or the plants, but also our life, the human life. Animals don’t have fault about our irresponsibility, so they shouldn’t be prejudiced by our actions and we have to protect them sooner because they already were very “attacked” by our changes and they are in danger. So, we have to change everything!!
As such, we should realise that we are the only ones that can change all this destruction and compose the changes that we already made in nature. We should “awake” for life and start doing something quickly before it’s too late to act.

Ana Sofia Dias

Glib 7 de junho de 2010 às 21:06  

First of all, I'd like to say that all of the videos are extremely interesting, as they all portray the sad reality that is the human impact in our planet.
However, video 3 really caught my attention since that particular video is the one that better transmit the problematic of cause - effect. That video shows us, in an hyperbolic way, that human actions are part of a chain reaction in which Man turns out to be the major culprit of his own pain. Man is the main cause of disorders in nature and therefore, all of his acts have repercussions in both the environment and other living creatures and ergo in Man himself. That is why the video starts with a man cutting down trees and ends up with the same man being killed by the reflection of his action.
So we all must be careful when it comes to hurting Mother Nature, because you know what they say: "what goes around, comes around"

Sérgio Vallejo

Glib 7 de junho de 2010 às 21:46  


I like this video because it talks to me, in a way that no other talked!.
Global WARMING it’s a well known problem of us, Humans; in fact the world is getting Hotter by the year. Its important change that or many species will die including us! , maybe in the last years and whit the campaigns that we have seen we are more, or feel more conscious about the whole situation, but like we see in the final of the video it’s more important never stop helping, never stop saving the world Global Warming it’s not a problem that we can fix in a couple of months it takes a lot of years, and we has intelligent and capable beings, got to make some difference because we can’t wait for the animals to do that!!!
“If we give Up, They give Up” – only we can make the bigger difference in the topic of saving what is more important to us! the world, our life sources, our blue planet!!!!!

Pedro Cunha :D

Glib 7 de junho de 2010 às 21:59  

I liked the Video V the most.
Almost everyone already heard about the global warming because nowadays there is much information about this topic and it is discussed on tv and at school, mainly.
Nevertheless people don't really care because human being has almost every time this though: "my neighbor does for me and this is won't really happen to myself". Why that? Because we are so lazy and so selfish!
The only way or at least the more successful way of cause some reflection and have some impact on people are the tragedy because we really need to see the most dramatic situation to (maybe) open our eyes!
I chose this video because it is a dramatic video and because of that I think that it causes more impact on people.
It begins immediately with a dark landscape, with all destroyed and it is evident in all video the sadness, the loneliness but the main idea: the death. At the end, all animals commit the suicide that represents the end.. and how it is a global warming it has a global effect so a global death.. not for the Earth but for us: life beings.
The video ends with this slogan: "If you give up, they give up. Stop global warming." and this refer what I already said before that we should concern about our action and do it because it's our obligation to care about our planet.
"If I don't do it, why he need to do it? I can't blame him for not doing if I don't do it too. But if I'm doing it so I can talk about what he doesn't doing it."
We should be an example and encourage everyone around us.

Our planet can survive, we just don't!

Mariana Rojão

Glib 7 de junho de 2010 às 22:25  

All of the videos were interesting, but the one I liked the most was video number two.
I prefered this video because it shows that we are capable of altering and destroing the environment through our activities, due to the fact that when we perform those everyday activities, like for instance going to school or go shopping, we end up polluting the Earth's atmosphere. By altering the atmosphere, we are setting a time bomb that, if it explodes, all life on earth will disapear, including us. It makes you think: All of those beautiful landscapes exist on Earth and they are very nice to see, but they will disapear unless we do something. it is time to stop talking and start to act! Our future depends on it!

Ivo Rocha

Glib 7 de junho de 2010 às 23:02  

The video I liked the most was the fifth one, but I also enjoyed the fourth one.
To me the fifth video was the most chocking, it was the one that reached its point in a most effective way.
Animals are fragile, helpless and innocent beings in the hands of Man. It's sad to see images (though they're not real) of animals gaining consciousness once they prefer to kill themselves rather than to live in a world that is destroyed every days by human greed.
However, there is always someone swiming against the current, what brings some hope to the animals, to the Human specie (even existing a lot of people that don't really care) and, mainly, to the Planet.
We need to stop to think what we are doing to the Planet, to the life itself, because we, humans, have the habit of realise that something's wrong when nothing can be done. We just notice our bad actions when we can't go back and that needs to change! Changing is necessary if we want our Planet to live. And not just to live, but to live healthy.
It's a cruelty, a crime, what humans do to what they claim as their, to the living beings, nature, and it's a pure suicide. The whole problem is that Man thinks that is a superior being, that there's nothing more important than its life and its desires. If we started to look to a plant or an animal as a being whose life matters as much as ours, if we look them as something that is in fact important and magnificent to all the balance, this madness will stop, and I think the whole Planet will benefit.
It's a craziness how a single specie and its greed, its thirst for more, can destroy and put in dangerous so much beauty, so much miracles of life, that are unique in the whole known universe.

This video touch me in a way that led me to write all this, what shows what was its in impact in me and that's how 1min5sec can make us think once more about what we are doing here. We have to live, but we also have to respect and preserve, we can't just give up, because if we do, they will too. this is a video that I really recommend that shows the beauty of our planet.

Mariana Neves

Glib 8 de junho de 2010 às 00:21  

My favorite video was video V, by sensitivity to conveys.
In reality, we must begin to think that the evil that we are doing to the planet has dramatic consequences.
The Earth, our blue planet, with the balance in ecosystems, is becoming a place where life is becoming increasingly difficult.
Unfortunately all are victims of human mistakes.
As we can see, animals are defenseless and innocent victims who can do nothing to prevent its destruction.
Man is self-destructs and destroys everything around him, without thinking that if the species become extinct, ecosystems go into imbalance. "
Man must necessarily change their attitudes. We know that with all the awareness campaigns make an effort to change and make a difference. However, we also know that it is very difficult to recover everything we lost. Even so, we must unite and take care of mother nature, thinking also about the welfare of our children or grandchildren, our kittens, puppies in our kittens, and all other living beings, without which life would be impossible.
Words like hope and unity are the basis of this group work!
Remember that small gestures make a difference
It is the beginning of the end.

Marta Inês

Glib 8 de junho de 2010 às 18:03  

VIdeo V

Global Warming is a dramatically urgent and serious problem. In this video this devastating cataclysm has destroyed Planet Earth, killed all plants and animals are giving up. The changes in the climate and the inflow of ocean currents are warming the Artic Ocean, the future of the region appears to be as uncertain as the longevity of the ice that polar bears walk on. Forests become deserts and monkeys and kangaroos have nothing to eat. So, why being alive?
This video emphasizes the values of preservation. Each individual can bring an important help adopting a more responsible lifestyle to avoid the Global Warming. It’s the only reasonable way to save our planet before it is too late. Don’t give up!!!!

Guilherme Frias

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This blog is the beggining of a dream at the end of a path.

11º A - 09.10:

- Ana Sofia Dias

- Guilherme Frias

- Ivo Rocha

- Mariana Ambrósio

- Mariana Neves

- Mariana Rojão

- Marina Garcia

- Marta Inês

- Pedro Cunha

- Sérgio Vallejo

Elisabete Sampaio (teacher)